Sunday, November 18, 2018

Swallowing the Red Pill: Immigration and Nationalism

Oh boy, I'm going to get a lot of hate for this, but it needs to be said. In the first chapter of "The Great Gatsby", Tom comments on the downfall of the white race seem racist and "insane"... right? Well, no. Yes, his comment is racist, however that doesn't mean that this comment is not without some grain of truth. Today we commonly hear that the U.S. is a "melting pot" where all cultures from around the world can share ideas, culture, and food. This is not a common sentiment just among Democrats either, many Republicans fall into this same ideological trap. In reality, the United States was originally built for white people and later the African Americans wrongly enslaved.

After our country became a "global powerhouse", all of a sudden our country gained some "responsibility" to take care of other countries problems, especially places like Mexico or Central America. When their economies collapse and crime rates go up from government corruption, somehow the responsibility shifts from the lawmakers in those countries to the United States. Because of this, many people from other countries simply claim that they are seeking refuges to try and get out of those countries and move into our nice, well-maintained country.

"But what does this have to do with Tom's comment?" you may be asking yourself. Simply adding more immigrants from other countries shouldn't lower the population too much, but as exponential quantities of immigrants are abusing our refugee systems to simply get into the country, saying that their is not a problem is an understatement. Not only this, but the aversion nowadays to having kids is also quickly shifting our population to be more brown and less white.

Link to prove my point: here

Now, what is the problem with America not becoming white anymore? That should be a good thing... right? The fact that whiteness is seen as a perversion, an oppressive force that anyone not white has to deal with is an outright disgrace. Somehow because I am of European descent, I'm a bad person and can't at all be proud of my ancestral heritage. Because of these changing demographics, it is not only predicted that whites will become a minority in America by 2043, but also that after that time Republicans will have no chance of ever winning an election ever again. If you think thats a good thing, good for you, but I think that a game without any competition is a bad game. Also, who's to say what the Democrats will be pushing for in 2043. Pedophile rights? Global government? Communism?

Maybe I am overeating, and maybe me thinking of the preservation of the white race as a positive thing is bad, but I really don't see why. Leave your thoughts in the comments.

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Swallowing the Red Pill: Indoctrination

Cultural Marxist indoctrination in our schools is ruining this country and our society as a whole. With so much of teachers nowadays being low-paid workers who tend to vote democrat, it is no wonder that none of our kids are getting the education they truly deserve. Indeed, kids nowadays aren't taught to think for themselves about issues, but rather accept whatever the teacher is saying as unadulterated fact. Take this teacher for example:

Its appalling that teachers nowadays will have the audacity to talk as if they understand everything about everything and all the students should just shut up and listen because they are the alpha in the room. I mean, just last year one of my teachers tried to convince me the wage gap was true, and when I called her out she told me to shut up. Now that I got that rant out of the way, now I can get into the logistics of my argument.

The fact of the matter is students, your teachers do not know everything. Being a teacher for most people is a last resort instead of an overall goal. Our society treats teachers like replaceable objects to teach our children. This is in high contrast to other countries like Finland, where being a teacher is hard and a respectable career choice for the best in a field. Please note that I am not calling our particular teachers, because many teachers in our school are more like the Finland teachers as opposed to most American teachers, but that still doesn't change the fact that being a teacher is not the valued position it should be. With the teacher position being undervalued, many teachers tend to make less than any most other jobs in their field would have made (eg: being a science teacher pays way less than being an actual scientist). Because of this disparity in earnings, two-thirds of all teachers become part of labor unions. The fact that many teachers are in labor unions may seem insignificant, however this becomes much more significant when you take into account correlation between being a labor union member and voting democrat.

The majority of teachers being democrat archetypes may not have much of an impact on the surface, but remember how much time your kids are spending with these people everyday. Instead of being able to think about traditional gender roles as biological fact vs simply stereotypes, most kids are instead told that any feelings of femininity or masculinity are toxic stereotypes that don't apply to anyone. This impact generally has a bigger impact on girls, mostly because they are seen as "oppressed" by the boys, even though women were never oppressed at all (Before women's suffrage, men with kids were meant to be a representation of a complete family unit. First wave feminism was simply a shift from a more family-based society to a more individualist meritocracy). Because of this toxic view of men, girls get tend to get special treatment and better grades than their male counterparts. Boys are taught to be nice and quiet, and when they simply express their masculinity they are diagnosed with "ADHD" and given pills to force them to be subservient. One of the worst changes to modern schools was the recent anti-bullying campaigns. Of course some types of bullying are definitely harassment and are a violation of one's rights, however this movement has also been used to censor "locker room talk" as some kind of violent assault.

Some other examples of things kids should just take their teachers word on and not think for themselves are issues like diversity, inclusion, immigration, and gay marriage. While I'm not saying any of these are necessarily bad traits, they are complicated issues that kids need to think about for themselves and make up their own minds on. Simply being told "Diversity good! White people bad..." makes a huge impact on kids futures and decisions. Kids minds are malleable, and currently our culture doesn't have countermeasures in place to reduce the amount of political indoctrination faced by our students.

Sorry about that, but it needed to be said. In our classroom alone, the effects of years and years of constant indoctrination and the same perspective has shaped some of my peers minds into autonomous machines that spit out the same rhetoric as if what they say are indisputable cultural axioms. Unlearn what you have learned.

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Swallowing the Red Pill: Gender Roles

So I hear a lot of people complaining about "stereotypes" among genders, trying to make themselves feel some kind of non-existing oppression for acting according to their natural instincts. For millennia men and women have worked side by side to progress us where we are. Men had the role of inventing, discovering, and philosophizing, and women had equally important roles of continuing our species. And yet all that has simply been thrown out of the window. In place of our companionship and roles of working together, we instead fight constantly. I mean, men and women are always at each other's throats nowadays. If it's not feminists, its incels, radfems, TERFs, MGTOWs, WGTOWs, or anti-feminists. Men and women talk about each other not as friends, or companions, but instead as disposable objects ready to be thrown away when one gets tired of the other. Divorce rates are at an all time high, women's and men's overall happiness has plummeted, both genders whine about their gender being the oppressed one and how the other gender should be responsible for catering towards their whims.

Listen, guys and girls, we have been messed with. We are not responsible for ruining our gender dynamic, our teachers (aka: indoctrinaters) are responsible for teaching us from a young age that an egalitarian marriage should be something everyone should strive too. For anyone not in the know, an egalitarian marriage is a marriage where both partners work equal hours and then get home and do an equal amount of housework. Without getting into much detail, many women in there marriages often complain about how their husbands often under-perform in intimate interactions, mostly due to them unable to see their husbands as strong and dominant after they just vacuumed all the floors and washed all the sinks. 50 years ago, it would be highly uncommon in high school to see any women with short pixie cuts, and it would be equally as unlikely to see men with feminine and delicate features.

There are many reasons why gender roles are beneficial for society, but one of the best reasons for men and women returning to 1950s gender dynamics is that it is simply in our nature to have a society structured around each gender's weaknesses and strengths. Some Neo-Marxists would like to tell you that early humans were polygamous and matriarchal, but the historical evidence shows no signs of this ever being the case, rather early human society was monogamous and red-pilled. Women and children gathered berries and stayed near camp, while the men went out to hunt.

The common rebuttal heard when arguing for a red-pill society is that the idea itself is inherently misogynistic. I myself am not total red-pill because I believe that some women are more cut out to be breadwinners and some men are more cut out to be housewives, but since this is rare most red-pill individuals don't bother covering this rare case. Ironically, most red-pill men value women over men, because a woman's uterus makes her automatically more valuable than every man she ever meets. Men have more strength and skills than women because they need to spend their entire lives working on building the same social worth for himself that all women have.

Pursuing egalitarian genders roles has left both men and women confused in the dating world. Many men will try to find themselves a good women by degrading himself and telling them how much of a feminist he is and how much he respects women. Women will earn great degrees and have amazing high paying jobs, yet question why every man they meet is intimidated by them.

In summary, women should be women and men should be men.
Good day.

Saturday, October 27, 2018

The NPC Meme and Song of Solomon

Hey guys!

Occasionally some people get thoughts about everyone around them being pre-programmed robots meant to make their life harder. Most people think this idea is false, but what if I told you it was true? What if I told you that some people may have given up thinking and got others to think for them? It may seem ridiculous, but some users on 4chan have created a meme to reflect this sentiment, in come the NPC meme. 
Image result for npc wojak

Now that I've introduced everyone to my good friend NPC Wojak, now we can talk about how this relates to class. In Song Of Solomon, Pilate breaks free from the norm and thinks for herself. This is not to say the bystanders still living their normal lives were in any way "NPCs" with worthless lives, it simply states that Pilate has broken away from the predominant culture. I used to think that our generation, gen Z, is a more rational and reasonable generation, but from the blog topics I heard on monday, I guess not. Most people in our school base their opinions on mainstream media and English excerpts read in class. Few people, even in our class, act like Pilate and deviate from the norm.

Those of you who already know the NPC meme (and aren't big fans) are probably pretty upset that I could say something so rude and offensive about other human beings. People tend to feel offended when one decides to not abide by the groupthink, similar to how many people in Song of Solomon felt offended by Pilate's lack of a naval. When people give up their free thought and let others think for them, they in turn lose their humanity. 

This is not to say that these "NPCs" are worthless and don't deserve to live, it simply mean that people who lack critical thought are annoying to listen to for anyone with critical thought. For example, a person with critical thought could ask "Does the wage gap exist?" to one who leaves their thinking to hack news channels like CNN, and the response would always be the same. Now you may say that people who watch Fox News would have a similar non-thought out response, and I would agree with you. However, the key difference between an NPC and a critical thinker would be found easily after asking the question of "Why does(n't) the wage gap exist?". The NPC likely wouldn't give you an answer (or dance around the question), while the critical thinker would tell you facts and statistics to prove that the wage gap, in fact, does not exist. (hmu if you want those facts)
This may seem unrelated to Song of Solomon, but it really isn't. All of Pilates decisions throughout the book are rational and well thought out. Pilate doesn't let others think for her, and instead thinks for herself.

If Pilate can do it, why can't you?

Saturday, October 20, 2018

White Women's Terrible Privilege

Ah, the sad story of Emmett Till. A sad, yet necessary event that triggered the civil rights movement. A fourteen-year-old boy minding his own business when a cashier makes up a story that ends up with poor Emmett brutally murdered. You would think that false accusations ruining and ending lives stopped after Emmett Till right? Oh wait, no, it hasn't. 

As we can see, racist and misandrist white women have no problem destroying not only people of colors' lives, but also lives of white men as well. But surely, you say, white men must be as responsible as white women are in these tragedies? Yeah, no. White men are much less racist then white women because white men don't try actively try to call cops on people of color nearly as often as white women do. When in human existence has a white man ever uttered the words, "may I speak to your manager?".

White women have always been held in high esteem as "normal" where as Asian women are seen as "oriental", African American women seen as "ghetto", and Indian American women seen as "exotic". And yet, in common political discourse, it seems that no white feminists like to bring this up. And I'm not saying that white men don't have their fair share of oppressive tendencies, because they do. Black people of color still are below white men, just in different respects to each other. Black women of color are seen as loud and aggressive, and often have to deal with single motherhood and lack of men wanting to date them, whereas black men of color often experience abuse from cops (similar to the abuse experienced by Milkman in Song of Solomon), over-representation in jails, and constant abuse from white women. Take this family for example, 

She probably knows that cops practically hunt African Americans, and doesn't even hesitate to pick up her phone and get the cops over. I found this in five seconds after searching "white women calls cops" on Youtube, and yet searching "white man calls police" on Youtube nothing comes up. Huh, funny how that works, doesn't it. And we're being told that white men are the oppressors? 

Oh wow, another example. This is ridiculous. Now you might be saying, "buh white waman don't oppress hwite mens! hwite mens oppress the poor hwite wamans!". Oh, you poor child. Despite the FACTS that the wage gap is practically non-existent for white women, we still are bombarded with lies from the white female media elites every day. Most idiotic Republicans celebrated Kavanaughs situation as a "victory for the right" and fail to understand the deep significance of Judge Ford's actions. A white women was abusing her privileged to destroy a mans life, and rile up her white feminist sheeples to attack him. As one African American Youtuber, Solomon Jones puts it, "us men truly have no rights in this country". If a white women is in a car with a black man of color and yells rape, there is a 100% chance he will be killed. Think about that. And white women, recognize your privileged and do something about it.

Sunday, October 7, 2018

How I See Rhetorical Analysis in Shrek and Music

Sometimes everyone needs a reminder on literary analysis. People sometimes misunderstand the purpose and importance of rhetorical strategies, and sometimes lose the main point of them and how they build to a central idea.

Shrek states that he is like an onion, a quagmire of complexity in the world famous movie with the same name. Often this is akin to how most understand rhetorical analysis, by peeling off the outer layers to achieve a deeper meaning. Only difference is, the theme or center of the onion is usually much clearer than the strategies used to bring one to that same conclusion. However, that is not to state in any way that the outer layers do not contain less importance, on the contrary, the outerlayers are usually subconsiously picking up on these tricks, leading one to the main idea of a text.

Of course through reading this, some may think that I utilized the example of Shrek as some kind of juvenile joke or "meme", but I can assure you it is not. In fact, a common examples of small techniques used to constuct a deeper meaning are seen all throughout artwork, including but not limited to music, painting, sculpture, and even architecture (as seen in our study on war memorials). A common example I think about with this idea is music. For example, please listen to this song;

To an untrained ear, this beautiful masterpeice may sound like a cancophany of sound, and even a trained ear may still not pick up on the techniques in this piece. And yet, no matter who you ask, everyone still understands the overall theme, even without knowing the individual pieces. It doesn't take someone like Mozart to realize this music is used to convey an overall feeling of dispear, anger, suspense, and power. It doesnt take a genius to realize this is a bossfight theme.

The theme first starts off with strings and church bells, meant to build up your ear for what is to come. The drums and the tubular bells come in, building up more layers, more speed, and best of all, more suspense. You tense for what you expect to hear... but then it never comes. You wait for it to get even better, but then the beat slows again leaving you with a melody previously heard. And then it's given to you, the fight begins. The crazy arppegio excites you as you wait for more, but the song simply loops back around. Dissapointed? Well, that was the point. The whole time during the boss fight you start to think this boss is too easy. The boss is defeated in minutes and you are left wondering why the hell did it take so long for you to prepare for such an easy fight.

And then it hits you.

The beautiful harp reminds you that, no, infact, the song is not over just yet! You feel the drop as chills run down your arms. The battle continues, and its even harder than before!

I could talk about music for a millenia, but I have better things to explain. So many tricks were using in just these two basic songs, its hard to even count them all. Repeated melodies, instrument choice, and drum patterns are some of the first things that come to most people's minds, but throught detailed analysis these simple songs are much, much more.

Maybe that applies to literature too, hell if I know.


Sunday, September 30, 2018

Grafic Novels and the Comicsgate Movement

Hey dudes! This week we learned about the importance of pictures in literature. Of course, I always knew this, being a huge nerd for DC comics. Hell, I know some characters from DC comics that very few people know, like a Red Lantern earth cat named Dex-Starr. 
People often scoff at these comics, even people who normally approve of graphic novels. They understand that not every picture book is for children, but they also believe that without loads of imagery, symbolism, and other literary techniques the piece is not "intellectual" enough. To them, a work without these techniques can't tell a good story. Apparently telling a damn good story nowadays is not enough for most "intellectually superior" authors, every story to them needs some "deeper meaning".

Comic books and their readers have always been under attack, and, like gaming, this hobby's stigma is slowly returning. Instead of old, white, religious hacks attacking our hobby like in the past, now their are a bunch of whiney progressive telling us that our hobby is somehow "sexist" for their depiction of female superheroes. The pushback against this newfound movement has been called "Comicsgate", as an extension of the two previous Gamergate movements. So much in the media about these "hateful" movements is biased reporting only told to push a leftist agenda. All Gamergate and Comicsgate are about is protecting our communities from being infested with politics. The last thing anyone wants to hear about when they are taking a load off after work the play some video games or read some comics is more stupid political crap shoved down their throats. 

Swallowing the Red Pill: Immigration and Nationalism

Oh boy, I'm going to get a lot of hate for this, but it needs to be said. In the first chapter of "The Great Gatsby", Tom comm...